Your child deserves the best in life. The quality of your child’s education is integral in their holistic growth and development. At DePS, we ensure that our curriculum, methods of teaching and creativity are all aligned to provide a strong and fun learning experience to our children.
Your child will be inspired by the exciting and creative curriculum, which is based on the National Curriculum for England. Our curriculum encourages children to direct their learning through collaborative group problem-solving. This enables them to apply their skills and knowledge in a meaningful context, facilitating the development of essential critical thinking and communication skills.
Opportunities to understand and celebrate the culture and heritage of the UAE and the diversity of our local community are integrated into the curriculum. We believe that knowing the history of our host and own country and people encourages respect, gratitude and love towards the nation and its people. Learning is authentic. We have an enquiry-based learning approach, without using textbooks and worksheets, to ensure maximum engagement in practical learning. Engaging learning means children are actively learning through a lesson – independently and collaborating – having the maximum choice in the activities they do.